Rabu, 16 November 2011

Novel Sang Pemimpi

Novel ini adalah novel kedua dari tetralogi Laskar pelangi karya Andrea Hirata. Sang Pemimpi adalah sebuah kisah kehidupan yang mempesona yang akan membuat pembacanya percaya akan tenaga cinta, percaya pada kekuatan mimpi dan pengorbanan, selin itu juga memperkuat kepercayaan kepada Tuhan. Andrea berkelana menerobos sudut-sudut pemikiran di mana pembaca akan menemukan pandangan yang berbeda tentang nasib, tantangan intelektualitas, dan kegembiraan yang meluap-luap, sekaligus kesedihan yang mengharu biru. Selayaknya kenakalan remaja biasa, tetapi kemudian tanpa disadari kisah dan karakter-karakter dalam buku ini lambat laun menguasai, potret-potret kecil yang menawan akan menghentakkan pembaca pada rasa humor yang halus namun memiliki efek filosofis yang meresonansi.
Tiga orang pemimpi. Setelah tamat SMP, melanjutkan ke SMA Bukan Main, di sinilah perjuangan dan mimpi ketiga pemberani ini dimulai. Ikal salah satu dari anggota Laskar Pelangi dan Arai yang merupakan saudara sepupu Ikal yang sudah yatim piatu sejak SD dan tinggal di rumah Ikal, sudah dianggap seperti anak sendiri oleh Ayah dan Ibu Ikal, dan Jimbron, anak angkat seorang pendeta karena yatim piatu juga sejak kecil. Namun, pendeta yang sangat baik dan tidak memaksakan keyakinan Jimbron, malah mengantarkan Jimbron menjadi muslim yang taat.
Arai dan Ikal begitu pintar di sekolahnya, sedangkan Jimbron, si penggemar kuda ini biasa-biasa saja. Malah menduduki rangking 78 dari 160 siswa. Sedangkan Ikal dan Arai selalu menjadi lima dan tiga besar. Mimpi mereka sangat tinggi, karena bagi Arai, orang susah seperti mereka tidak akan berguna tanpa mimpi-mimpi. Mereka berdua mempunyai mimpi yang tinggi yaitu melanjutkan belajar ke Sorbonne Perancis. Mereka terpukau dengan cerita Pak Balia, kepala sekolahnya, yang selalu meyebut-nyebut indahnya kota itu. Kerja keras menjadi kuli ngambat mulai pukul dua pagi sampai jam tujuh dan dilanjutkan dengan sekolah, itulah perjuangan ketiga pemuda itu. Mati-matian menabung demi mewujudkan impiannya. Meskipun kalau dilogika, tabungan mereka tidak akan cukup untuk sampi ke sana. Tapi jiwa optimisme Arai tak terbantahkan.
Selesai SMA, Arai dan Ikal merantau ke Jawa, Bogor tepatnya. Sedangkan Jimbron lebih memilih untuk menjadi pekerja ternak kuda di Belitong. Jimbron menghadiahkan kedua celengan kudanya yang berisi tabungannya selama ini kepada Ikal dan Arai. Dia yakin kalau Arai dan Ikal sampai di Perancis, maka jiwa Jimbron pun akan selalu bersama mereka. Berbula-bulan terkatung-katung di Bogor, mencari pekerjaan untuk bertahan hidup susahnya minta ampun. Akhirnya setelah banyak pekerjaan tidak bersahabat ditempuh, Ikal diterima menjadi tukang sortir (tukang Pos), dan Arai memutuskan untuk merantau ke Kalimantan. Tahun berikutnya, Ikal memutuskan untuk kuliah di Ekonomi UI. Dan setelah lulus, ada lowongan untuk mendapatkan biasiswa S2 ke Eropa. Beribu-ribu pesaing berhasil ia singkirkan dan akhrinya sampailah pada pertandingan untuk memperebutkan 15 besar.
Saat wawancara tiba, tidak disangka, profesor pengujinya begitu terpukau dengan proposal riset yang diajukan Ikal, meskipun hanya berlatar belakang sarjana Ekonomi yang masih bekerja sebagai tukang sortir, tulisannya begitu hebat. Akhirnya setelah wawancara selesai, siapa yang menyangka, kejutan yang luar biasa. Arai pun ikut dalam wawancara itu. Bertahun-tahun tanpa kabar berita, akhirnya mereka berdua dipertemukan dalam suatu forum yang begitu indah dan terhormat. Begitulah Arai, selalu penuh dengan kejutan. Semua ini sudah direncanaknnya bertahun-tahun. Ternyata dia kuliah di Universitas Mulawarman dan mengambil jurusan Biologi. Tidak kalah dengan Ikal, proposal risetnya juga begitu luar biasa dan berbakat untuk menghasilkan teori baru.
Akhirnya sampai juga mereka pulang kampung ke Belitong. Ketika ada surat datang, mereka berdebar-debar membuka isinya. Pengumuman penerima Beasiswa ke Eropa. Arai begitu sedih karena dia sangat merindukan kedua orang tuanya. Arai sangat ingin membuka kabar itu bersama orang yang sangat dia rindukan. Kegelisahan dimulai. Baik Arai maupun Ikal, keduanya tidak kuasa mengetahui isi dari surat itu. Setelah dibuka, hasilnya adalah Ikal diterima di Perguruan tinggi Sorbone, Prancis. Setelah perlahan mencocokkan dengan surat Arai, inilah jawaban dari mimpi-mimpi mereka. Kedua sang pemimpi ini diterima di Universitas yang sama. Tapi ini bukan akhir dari segalanya. Di sinilah perjuangan dari mimpi itu dimulai, dan siap melahirkan anak-anak mimpi berikutnya.


Usia (thbl)
Masa Kerja (thbl)
Catatan : Masa Kerja dan Usia per 1 Januari 2012



            Detail Novel
Judul: Ayat Ayat Cinta
ISBN: 979-3604-02-6
Penulis: Habiburrahman El Shirazy
Penerbit: Republika
Terbit: Desember 2004
Isi: 419 halaman
Ayat-ayat cinta adalah sebuah novel 411 halaman yang ditulis oleh seorang novelis muda Indonesia kelahiran 30 September 1976 yang bernama Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. Ia adalah seorang sarjana lulusan Mesir dan sekarang sudah kembali ke tanah air. Sepintas lalu, novel ini seperti novel-novel Islami kebanyakan yang mencoba menebarkan dakwah melalui sebuah karya seni, namun setelah ditelaah lebih lanjut ternyata novel ini merupakan gabungan dari novel Islami, budaya dan juga novel cinta yang banyak disukai anak muda. Dengan kata lain, novel ini merupakan sarana yang tepat sebagai media penyaluran dakwah kepada siapa saja yang ingin mengetahui lebih banyak tentang Islam, khususnya buat para kawula muda yang kelak akan menjadi penerus bangsa.
Novel ini bercerita tentang perjalanan cinta dua anak manusia yang berbeda latar belakang dan budaya; yang satu adalah mahasiswa Indonesia yang sedang studi Universitas Al-Azhar Mesir, dan yang satunya lagi adalah mahasiswi asal Jerman yang kebetulan juga sedang studi di Mesir. Kisah percintaan ini berawal ketika mereka secara tak sengaja bertemu dalam sebuah perdebatan sengit dalam sebuah metro (sejenis trem).
Mein Neim Ist Aisha
Pada waktu itu, si pemuda yang bernama lengkap Fahri bin Abdullah Shiddiq, sedang dalam perjalanan menuju Masjid Abu Bakar Ash-Shiddiq yang terletak di Shubra El-Kaima, ujung utara kota Cairo, untuk talaqqi (belajar secara face to face pada seorang syaikh) pada Syaikh Utsman Abdul Fattah, seorang Syaikh yang cukup tersohor di seantero Mesir. kepadanya Fahri belajar tentang qiraah Sab’ah (membaca Al-Qur’an dengan riwayat tujuh imam) dan ushul tafsir (ilmu tafsir paling pokok). Hal ini sudah biasa dilakukannya setiap dua kali seminggu, setiap hari Ahad/Minggu dan Rabu. Dia sama sekali tidak pernah melewatkannya walau suhu udara panas menyengat dan badai debu sekalipun. Karena baginya itu merupakan suatu kewajiban karena tidak semua orang bisa belajar pada Syaikh Utsman yang sangat selektif dalam memilih murid dan dia termasuk salah seorang yang beruntung.
Di dalam metro, Fahri tidak mendapatkan tempat untuk duduk, mau tidak mau dia harus berdiri sambil menunggu ada kursi yang kosong. Kemudian ia berkenalan dengan seorang pemuda mesir bernama Ashraf yang juga seorang Muslim. Merteka bewrcerita tentang banyak hal, termasuk tentang kebencian Ashraf kepada Amerika. Tak berapa lama kemudian, ada tiga orang bule yang berkewarganegaraan Amerika (dua perempuan dan satu laki-laki) naik ke dalam metro. Satu diantara dua perempuan itu adalah seorang nenek yang kelihatannya sudah sangat lelah. Biasanya orang Mesir akan memberikan tempat duduknya apabila ada wanita yang tidak mendapatkan tempat duduk, namun kali ini tidak. Mungkin karena kebencian mereka yang teramat sangat kepada Amerika. Sampai pada suatu saat, ketika si nenek hendak duduk menggelosor di lantai, ada seorang perempuan bercadar putih bersih yang sebelumnya dipersilahkan Fahri untuk duduk di bangku kosong yang sebenarnya bisa didudukinya, memberikan kursinya untuk nenek tersebut dan meminta maaf atas pwerlakuan orang-orang Mesir lainnya. Disinilah awal perdebatan itu terjadi. Orang-orang Mesir yang kebetulan mengerti bahasa Inggris merasa tersinggung dengan ucapan si gadis bercadar. Mereka mengeluarkan berbagai umpatan dan makian kepada sang gadis, dan ia pun hanya bisa menangis. Kemudian Fahri berusaha untuk meredakn perdebatan itu dengan menyuruh mereka membaca shalawat Nabi karena biasannya dengan shalawat Nabi, orang Mesir akan luluh kemarahannya dan ternyata berhasil. Lalu ia mencoba menjelaskan pada mereka bahwa yang dilakukan perempuan bercadar itu benar, dan umpatan-umpatan itu tidak layak untuk dilontarkan. Namun apa yang terjadi, orang-orang Mesir itu kembali mrah dan meminta Fahri untuk tidak ikut campur dan jangan sok alim karena juz Amma saja belumtentu ia hafal. Kemudian emosi mereka mereda ketika Ashraf yang juga ikut memaki perempuan bercadar itu, mengatakan bahwa Fahri adalah mahasiswa Al-Azhar dan hafal Al-Qur’an dan juga murid dari Syaikh Utsman yang terkenal itu. Lantas orang-orang Mesir itu meminta maaf pada fahri. Fahri kemudian menjelaskan bahwasanya mereka tidak seharusnya bertindak seperti itu karena ajaran Baginda Nabi tidak seperti itu. Lalu ia pun menjelaskan bagaimana seharusnya bersikap kepada tamu apalagi orang asing sesuai dengan yang diajarkan oleh Rasulullah Saw. Mereka pun mengucapkan terima kasih pada fahri karena sudah megingatkan mereka. Sementara itu, si bule perempuan muda, Alicia, sedang mendengarkan penjelasan tentang apa yang terjadi dari si perempuan bercadar dengan bahasa Inggris yang fasih.Kemudian Alicia berterima kasih dan menyerahkan kartu namanya pada Fahri. Tak berapa lama kemudian metro berhenti dan perempuan bercadar itupun bersiap untuk turun. Sebelum turun ia mengucapkan terima kasih pada Fahri karena sudah menolongnya tadi. Akhirnya mereka pun berkenalan. Dan ternyata si gadis itu bukanlah orang Mesir melainkan gadis asal Jerman yang sedang studi di Mesir. Ia bernama Aisha.
Di Mesir, Fahri tinggal bersama dengan keempat orang temannya yang juga berasal dari Indonesia, yaitu Saiful, Rudi, Hamdi dan Misbah. Fahri sudah tujuh tahun hidup di Mesir. Mereka tinggal di sebuah apartemen sederhana yang mempunyai dua lantai, dimana lantai dasar menjadi tempat tinggal Fahri dan empat temannya, sedangkan yang lantai atas ditempati oleh sebuah keluarga Kristen Koptik yang sekaligus menjadi tetangga mereka. Keluarga ini terdiri dari Tuan Boutros, Madame Nahed, dan dua orang anak mereka – Maria dan Yousef. Walau keyakinan dan aqidah mereka berbeda, namun antara keluarga Fahri (Fahri dkk) dan keluarga Boutros terjalin hubungan yang sangat baik. Di Mesir, bukanlah suatu keanehan apabila keluarga Kristen koptik dan keluarga Muslim dapat hidup berdampingan dengan damai dalam masyarakat. Keluarga ini sangat akrab dengan Fahri terutama Maria. Maria adalah seorang gadis Mesir yang manis dan baik budi pekertinya. Kendati demikian, Fahri menyebutnya sebagai gadis koptik yang aneh, karena walaupun Maria itu seorang non-muslim ia mampu menghafal dua surah yang ada dalam Al-Quran dengan baik yang belum tentu seorang Muslim mampu melakukannya. Ia hafal surat Al-Maidah dan surah Maryam. Fahri juga baru mengetahuinya ketika mereka secara tak sengaja bertemu di metro. Seluruh anggota keluarga Boutros sangat baik kepada Fahri dkk. Bahkan ketika Fahri jatuh sakit pun keluarga ini jugalah yang membantu membawa ke rumah sakit dan merawatnya selain keempat orang teman Fahri. Apalagi Maria, dia sangat memperhatikan kesehatan Fahri. Keluarga ini juga tidak segan-segan mengajak Fahri dkk untuk makan di restoran berbintang di tepi sungai Nil,kebanggaan kota Mesir, sebagai balasan atas kado yang mereka berikan. Pada waktu itu Madame Nahed berulang-tahun dan malam sebelumnya Fahri dkk memberikan kado untuknya hanya karena ingin menyenangkan hati beliau karena bagi Fahri menyenangkan hati orang lain adalah wajib hukumnya. Setelah makan malam, tuan dan nyonya Boutros ingin berdansa sejenak. Madame Nahed meminta Fahri untuk mengajak Maria berdansa karena Maria tidak pernah mau di ajak berdansa. Setelah tuan dan nyonya Boutros melangkah ke lantai dansa dan terhanyut dengan alunan musik yang syahdu, Maria pun memberanikan diri mengajak Fahri untuk berdansa, namun Fahri menolaknya dengan alasan Maria bukan mahramnya kemudian menjelaskannya dengan lebih detail. Begitulah Fahri, ia selalu berusaha untuk menjunjung tinggi ajaran agama yang dianutnya dan selalu menerapkannya dalm kehidupan sehari-hari.
Si Muka Dingin Bahadur dan Noura yang Malang
Selain bertetangga dengan keluarga Boutros, Fahri juga mempunyai tetangga lain berkulit hitam yang perangainya berbanding 180 derajat dengan keluarga Boutros. Kepala keluarga ini bernama Bahadur yang terkenal dengan julukan si Muka Dingin karena ia selalu berperangai kasar kepada siapa saja bahkan dengan istrinya madame Syaima dan putri bungsunya Noura. Bahadur dan istrinya mempunyai tiga orang putri, Mona, Suzanna, dan Noura. Mona dan Suzanna berkulit hitam namun tidak halnya dengan Noura, dia berkulit putih dan berambut pirang. Hali inilah ang membuat Noura dimusuhi keluarganya yang pada akhirnya membuat dirinya tercebur kedalam penderitaan yang amat sangat. Bahadur mempunyai watak yang keras dan bicaranya sangat kasar, Nouralah yang selalu menjadi sasaran kemarahannya. Dan kedua orang saudaranya yang juga tidak menyukai Noura mengambil kesempatan ini untuk ikut-ikutan memaki dirinya. Sampai tibalah pada suatu malam yang tragis dimana Bahadur menyeret Noura ke jalanan dan punggungnya penuh dengan luka cambukan. Hal ini sudah sering terjadi, namun malam itu yang terparah. Tak ada satu orang pun yang berani menolong. Selain hari sudah larut, Bahadur juga dikenal amat kejam. Akhirnya, karena sudah tak tahan lagi melihat penderitaan Noura, Fahri pun meminta bantuan Maria melaui sms untuk menolong Noura. Awalnya Maria menolak karena tidak mau keluarganya terlibat dengan keluarga Bahadur. Namun setelah Fahri memohon agar Maria mau menolongnya demi kecintaan Maria terhadap Al-Masih, Maria akhirnya luluh juga. Jadilah malam itu Noura menginap di rumah keluarga Boutros. Malam ini jualah yang akhirnya menghantarkan Fahri ke dalam penderitaan yang amat sangat dan juga membuatnya hampir kehilangan kesempatan untuk hidup di dunia fana ini.

Kamis, 03 November 2011


Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the requirements
for Bachelor Degree in English Department
A. 320 010 300
A. Background of the Study
Reading is central to the learning process. By reading activity, people
may gain important information that are not presented by teachers in the
classroom. According to cognitive psychology and schema theory, the reader
is an active participant who has an important interpretive function in the
reading process (www.writing.colostate.edu/index.cfm). It means that in the
cognitive model, people as readers are more than passive participants who
receive information while an active text makes itself and its meanings known
to him/her. Actually, the act-of-reading is a push and pull between reader and
text. As readers, people actively make, or construct, meaning; what people
bring to the text is at least as important as the text itself.
One of the most difficult tasks of a language teacher in the context of
teaching English as a foreign language is to foster attitude toward reading. It is
caused by the limited time and other constraints they face during the teaching
and learning process. Teachers are often unable to encourage students to find
entertaining and interesting information in reading materials. Therefore it
often creates a negative mind-set in students who consider the effort to interact
with reading materials as an unattractive activity compared to the process they
may get from visual electronic media.
However, reading programs may help students develop their language
skills necessary for success. But it is hard to implement an effective reading
program, especially in countries where English is treated as foreign language.
The success of implementing reading programs will depend on the students’
3.1 Metode Penelitian
Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimen (Experimental Research) yaitu suatu penelitian yang berusaha mencari pengaruh variabel tertentu terhadap variabel yang lain dalam kondisi yang terkontrol secara ketat (Tuckman, 1982 : 128-156). Penelitian eksperimen ini merupakan bentuk penelitian dimana peneliti dengan sengaja memberikan perlakuan kepada responden, selanjutnya mengamati dan mencatat reaksi responden, dan kemudian melihat hubungan antara perlakuan yang diberikan dan reaksi yang muncul dari responden.
Teguh (2010) dalam http://blogs.teguh.web.id/the-method-research.html mengemukakan tentang pengertian dari metode penelitian, bahwa :
Metode pada dasarnya merupakan cara ilmiah untuk mendapatkan data dengan tujuan dan kegunaan tertentu. Berdasarkan hal tersebut terdapat empat kata kunci yang perlu diperhatikan yaitu, cara ilmiah, data, tujuan, dan kegunaan. Cara ilmiah berarti kegiatan itu didasarkan pada ciri-ciri keilmuan, yaitu rasional, empiris, dan sistematis. Rasional berarti kegiatan peneliitian itu dilakukan dengan cara-cara yang masuk akal, sehingga terjangkau oleh penalaran manusia. Empiris berarti cara-cara yang dilakukan itu dapat diamati oleh indera manusia, sehingga orang lain dapat mengamati dan mengetahui cara-cara yang digunakan. (Bedakan cara yang tidak ilmiah, misalnya mencari uang yang hilang, atau provokator, atau tahanan yang melarikan diri melalui paranormal). Sistematis artinya, proses yang digunakan dalam penelitian itu menggunakan langkah-langkah tertentu yang bersifat logis.

Rabu, 02 November 2011

language testing

Adapun jenis-jenis pertanyaan yang biasanya diajukan dalam menguji kemampuan
pemahaman bacaan (reading comprehension) adalah sebagai berikut:
A. Untuk menanyakan tentang gambaran umum suatu teks, pertanyaan-pertanyaannya
a. What is the topic of the passage?
b. What is the subject of the passage?
c. The passage is about ….
d. What is the best title for the text?
e. What is the text about?
f. What does the text tell you about?
g. What is the author’s main point in the passage?
h. With what is the author primarily concerned?
i. Which of the following would be the best title?
j. What would be the best title for this text?
k. What is the writer complaining about in the letter/text/etc.?
B. Untuk menanyakan tentang pikiran utama suatu teks, pertanyaan-pertanyaannya
a. What is the main idea of the text?
b. What is the writer’s main point in the passage?
Jawaban atas pertanyaan semacam ini biasanya bisa ditemukan pada kalimat-kalimat
awal dari masing-masing paragraph.

by mr dedi turmudi MATESOL

                                                                          Chapter I
Introduction to Writing 4
Dedi  Turmudi, S.Pd., MA TESOL

Rounded Rectangle: In this chapter you will learn a set of basic definitions, structures, language features of genres. There are about seventeen genres that will be explained with which you are hoped to have a solid understanding of how to write  them They covers academic writing and non-academic writing or creative writing: You are to write an essay based upon field study and genres you wish you implement. However, before moving in a further path, some terms are elaborated accordingly. Hence you will be able to picture out a basic understanding about Field of Studies versus Genres



  1. Academic Writing and Non Academic Writing

            In this chapter the learners are directed to learn academic and non academic writing or what is so called creative writing. Academic writing covers: narrative essay, descriptive, expository, argumentative, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, and while non academic writing covers; personal narrative, recount, spoof, anecdote, news item etc. For further explanation it is worth reading the upcoming explanation.

1.      Definition

            A broad definition of academic writing is any writing done to fulfill a requirement of a college or university. Besides, academic writing is also used for publications that are read by teachers and researchers or presented at conferences. Thus, a very broad definition of academic writing could include any writing assignment given in an academic setting.For that, the following examples are considered to be the form of academic writing. Some are self-explanatory and some have a brief explanation. They are books and book reports, translations, essays, research paper or research article, conference paper, dissertation and thesis, abstract, explication - This is a work which explains part of a particular work.

  1. Academic Writing Structure

            Academic writing has specific structures. They are introduction,  body, and  conclusion.   In introduction you have to put hook to attract the readers. Then you have to put thesis statement at the end of the introductory paragraph. This is also called objective in other context. It has a function that is to control development of the body paragraph(s). You can also do this by starting with several questions or a quote from a famous work or person to pique the reader’s interest.   Body (ies) paragraph is the main part of the work and the paragraphs must be clearly written and be arranged in a logical order, like chronologically or in order of importance or based on the genre. Each initial sentence links the preceding paragraph and the whole section flows smoothly. The body consists of topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentence. Body paragraph can be more than one paragraph. It depends on how many aspects there are in the thesis statement. In line with this , the most important thing is that each paragraph has to be well united and coherence. In the conclusion or is called concluding paragraph, you re-emphasize the thesis and summarize all the main points. The conclusion consists of one paragraph which shows the final conclusion to the reader. All in all, the three components of academic writing are introductory, body and concluding paragraph.
  1. Coherence and Unity

The word coherence in this context is solid. In latin word it is cohere means “ hold together” ( Oshima and Hogue, 2006). All of the sentences in one paragraph have to be hold together with appropriate transitions. Coherence is one of the two criteria of good paragraph. Another good criteria of the paragraph is unity. Unity means that a paragraph discusses one and only one main idea from the beginning to end ( Oshima and Hogue. at. al p. 18). One main idea can be developed into specific topic what is called topic sentence. In the topic sentence there are two parts: a topic and a controlling idea. Supposed you have a main idea that is education, you can make it into a good education than make “ good education’ into  topic sentence: a good education has three characteristics. A good education is a topic and three characteristics is controlling idea. All in all, Coherence and unity mean that a paragraph has one main idea and all the supporting sentences and detail are hold together with appropriate transitions.    

  1. Non Academic writing or creative writing

            Creative writing is considered to be any writing, fiction, poetry, or non-fiction, that goes outside the bounds of normal professional, journalistic, academic, and technical forms of literature. Works which fall into this category include novels, epics, short stories, and poems. Writing for the screen and stage, screenwriting and playwriting respectively, typically have their own programs of study, but fit under the creative writing category as well.( Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_writing)

            Elements of Creative Writing has several elements to bear in mind: They are Character, Point of View, Plot, Setting, Dialogue (fiction), Style (fiction), Theme and Motif. It has also form such as Autobiography/Memoir, Collaborative writing, Creative non-fiction (Personal & Journalistic Essays), Epic, Flash fiction, Novel, Novella, Playwriting/Dramatic writing, Poetry, Screenwriting, Short story, Songwriting, Bibliography, Stream of consciousness (narrative mode). All of these can also be more specific in forms like enecdote, spoof, recount, etc. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_writing) Another source of creative writing says that the definition of creative writing is writing that expresses ideas and thoughts in an imaginative way. The writer gets to gets to express feelings and emotions instead of just presenting the facts.  

  1. Field of Studies versus Genres

            It might be confusing when we are talking about field of studies and genres. However, it can be clarified as the following propositions. Field of studies is the content with which you develop your essay writing. Whereas, genres is the way how the content is presented in form of writing. In detail genres can be defined as follow: a style, especially in the arts, that involves a set of particular characteristics (Cambridge Advanced Learner Dictionary). It is worth presenting some examples. Suppose you have an interest in writing about education entitled: “National Examination” and you are presenting (written form) in argumentative. Whereby we can crack both sentences and say that “Education”  is a field of study while “argumentative”  is a genre. Thus, every field of study you are interested in has to be presented in a particular genre.

  1. Types Genres

            The following genres are background knowledge or some input for you before we are moving further on how to write your field of study in an essay writing. Further, about what essay writing is and how it is developed as well as what criterion an essay has to be will be explained in chapter II.  

  1. Writing Four

            The following is  a little description of what is to be done in writing 4
Left Arrow: Topic Sentence In writing 2 you have the following work to do

In writing 3 you have the following description

In writing 4 you have the following work to do
Oval Callout: Thesis statement   


  1. General Description of Genres

1. Narrative Text

  1. Definition of Narrative

            Narrative is a text focusing some specific participants that have several structural features making different from other genres. Narrative has social function that is to tell stories either in present which is called present narrative, past events which called past narrative and future which is called future  narrative,  to entertain the readers (Smalley, and Ruetten, 1984). Narrative is used most often in: Fables, Myths and Legends, Detective Stories, Adventure Stories. Thrillers, Period Dramas.  

  1. Generic Structure of Narrative

            A narrative text consists of the following structures:
1. Orientation: Introducing the participants and informing the time and the place. It also introduce some characters involved in this genre.
2. Complication: Describing the rising crises which the participants have to do with or among participants relationship in a process of social interaction.
3. Resolution: Showing the way of participant to solve the crises, better or worse. The end can be open ended or close ended. Open ended is a conclusion that depends on the perception of the readers. Whereas, close ended is an end of a story in which the conclusion is clearly stated.
4. Coda which summarizes the point of the story.

  1. Language Features of Narrative

  1. Using processes verbs : tell, says, narrates,etc.
  2. Using temporal conjunction : Chronological Order
  3. Using Simple Past Tense, Present Tense, and Future Tense, Present Perfect, Present Continuous, and Past Continuous. 

2. Descriptive

  1. Definition of Descriptive

            Many definition about descriptive can be found in separated books one of which is that of being defined by Smalley and Ruetten (1985): an essay that explains something from where the objects being  described are located which is called spatial organization. In short, in descriptive essay you must make the location of the objects being described very clear (p. 58). In accordance with this definition, a descriptive essay can be scaled based on the three senses: visual, auditory and smell or called mood.

The Following might help you how a descriptive essay is developed. Look at the table in the box


Is like                        : A poplar  bear is like other bears in shape
Resembles   : A polar bear resembles other bears in shape

In                             : Most Canada’s manufacturing is located in Ontario and Quebec
Above                         : The ceiling is above us
Below                         : Most of Ontario is below Hudson Bay
Beside                        : Quebec is located beside Ontario
Near                           : Many companies are located near Toronto
North, South, East, West, North East, South East, East west, South west,.




Size                           : Polar bears are big in size
Color                          : Polar  bears are usually white in color
Shape                         : Polar bears have a special shape
Purpose      : The purpose of the polar bear fur is to keep it warm.

Length                       :  The length of a polar bear’s claws is 20 cm
Width                        :  The width of polar bear’s head in about 50 cm.
Mass/ Weight               :  Polar bears weigh up to 650 kg.
Speed                         : Polar bears can swim at speed of 40 km per hour


  1. Generic Structure

            There is no specific elaboration on what has to be included in a descriptive, however; this means that it depends on what types of writing: essay or essay or even complex essay. If you are to write an essay paragraph, it has to have three main components in the structure as described below:
  1. Introduction :Thesis statement
  2. Body Paragraph : Topic sentence ,Supporting sentences and concluding sentence
  3. Concluding paragraph 
  4. Logical development

  1. Language Feature

  1. Using linking verb or verb of senses such as  look, smell, taste, see, seem
  2. Using three parameter of senses: visual, auditory, and smell
  3. Using spatial order in which preposition precedes the verb and the subjects.
  4. Using multiple tenses based on the time: past, present and future.

            Descriptive essay is a representation the absent object being described. If you do know how your father looked like because he passed away before you were born., you can read his description covering: size, color, shape, sound, and so on. 

  1. Expository

A.    Definition  Expository

            An essay that explains  or analyzes a topic is an expository  essay ( Smalley and Ruetten. at al., p100). It includes: information, explanation, facts, and illustrations. Expository essay can be divided into several model of writings: such as process paragraph, and procedure paragraph. However, the details about these two divisions will be explained in a separated chapter not to mentioned the example.   

B.      Generic Structure

            As for the descriptive essay, the expository essay has similarities to that of descriptive in that the tenses depend on the time of description. Hence, you may use present o past tense or even future. Seen from the essay context it has to have three components of essay:
  1. Introduction
  2. Body:  example, detail, charts
  3. Conclusion

C.    Language Feature

  1. Using process verbs: begin, start, continue, become, remain, develop, end finish, culminate.
  2. Using indefinite transitions
  3. Using Question word mark, such as how, and.
  4. Using charts, graphics, and other visual aids.
  5. Using present tenses either verbal or nominal.

4. Argumentative

A.    Definition

            An essay that explains and convinces the readers by presenting both pros and cons is called argumentative essay. It is worth making an analogy of what argumentative looks like. The easiest one is that argumentative is like a badminton players, or tennis table players, or even, lawn tennis. Accordingly, the topic has to be controversial for public. In this model, inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, and cause and effect reasoning, and argument by authority are inherence.
B.     Generic Structure

            The generic structure of this model can possible like this:
  1. It has an introduction
  2. It has body : topic sentence ,  supporting sentences for pros and supporting sentences for cons. Further both of these are called arguments.
  3. It has to use deductive or inductive reasoning, cause and effect, and argument by authority.

C.    Language Feature

  1. Using multiple tenses : present, past, future
  2. Using verbs: believe, objects, argue,
  3. Using modal:  can, will, would, should, etc
  4. Using adverb: due to, because, etc.
  5. Using question word : why, how, what, etc.

5. Recount  

A.    Definition
            Recount is a type of written texts ( like essay or more than one paragraph) which tells a record of events in the past. The root word comes from “re” means “ again” and “count” means “report”. Both small part of words become recount that means to retell. According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, it is defined as : to describe how something happened: to tell a story, e.g.  he recounted his adventure since he had left home. Accordingly, the word recount can be a noun (count, recount), a verb ( count, recount) and adjectives ( countable, uncountable, countless).
            Recount can easily be found in any kind of written text such as Newspaper articles – preceding of a trial, description of a soccer match, events before and after the occurrence of natural disasters, Police Reports, Biographies, Autobiographies, Diary, Entries, Historical Records.

B.     Generic Structure

Recount has a generic structure:
  1. It has an orientation which gives the background to the events that took place.
  2. It has a series of events told in the past tense.
  3. It has re-orientation which a repeated similar meaning or a lesson learned from the story. It could end with a re-orientation which refers the reader back to the orientation
  4. Summarizing comments which is an expression or a lesson learned on what the readers should learn from the story. 

C.    Language Feature

  1. The verb is Past Tense or similar group of past tense such as past perfect Tense
  2. It has time markers or transitions e.g. yesterday, soon, functions as a sequent of events

D.  Different between Recount  and Narrative
            It might be confusing to differ between recount and narrative. However, this explanation may help you to understand the propositions. Something which happened in the past is the main resources to compose both recount and narrative text. In writer's point of view, the thing is an experience. It can be what the writer has done, heard, read, and felt .Thus, composing recount and narrative mean to retell the experiences of the past event to be a present event.
            However, you can distinct between recount and narrative can be differentiated from the generic structure. Recount text presents the past experiences in order of time or place. In simple way, recount describes series of events in detail. It does not expose the struggle on how to make them happen. The event happened smoothly. On the other hand, narrative introduces crises and how to solve them. Narrative text always appears as a hard portrait of participant's past experience. It reveals the conflict among the participants.   The conflict is the most important element in a narrative text. Narrative without conflicts is not narrative any more.

6. Spoof

  1. Definition

            Definition and Social Function of Spoof
According to Cambridge Advanced Dictionary, the word spoof means: an amusing and ridicules piece of writing, music, theatre and so on. However, scholar defines Spoof as a text which tells factual story, happened in the past time with unpredictable and funny ending. Its social function is to entertain and share the story.( http://understandingtext.blogspot.com/2007/12/what-is-spoof_31.html)
  1. Generic Structure
Generic Structure of Spoof
1. Orientation : introducing person, place, action.
2. Events : sequencing the event
3. Twist (lucu)

  1. Language Feature

Language Feature of Spoof
1. Focusing on people, animals or certain things
2. Using action verb; ate, ran, etc
3. Using adverb of time and place
4. Told in chronological order

7. Anecdote
A.    Definition
B.     Generic Structure of Anecdote
1. Abstract
2. Orientation
3. Crisis
4. Incident.
C.     Language Feature
1. Using exclamation words; it's awful!, it's wonderful!, etc
2. Using imperative; listen to this
3. Using rhetoric question; do you know what?
4. Using action verb; go, write, etc
5. Using conjunction of time; then, afterward
6. Using simple past tense

8. Report Text

A. Definition

      Report is a text which presents information about something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation and analysis. Interpretation of the reporter is mostly avoided.

B. Generic Structure

1.  Introducing group or general aspect
2.  Using conditional logical connection; when, so, etc
3.  Using simple present tense
9. News Item Text

A. Definition

            News item is a text which informs readers about events of the day. The events are considered newsworthy or important.

B. Generic Structure

1. Main event
2. Elaboration (background, participant, time, place)
3. Resource of information

C. Language Feature of News Item

1. Focusing on circumstances
2. Using material process

10. Cause and Effect

A.    Definition

            Cause and Effect Essay is a writing piece in which the writer analyzes—in a certain field of study—two or more things one which as a cause and other (s) as effect. Cause and Effect essay is more favorably in academic writing rather than in a creative writing. Often does a person need to analyze things clearly and determine which one is a cause and which one is an effect in order that he or she avoids a mistake in assembling transitions.  

  1. Generic Structure

            The structure of cause and effect essay has: thesis statement, topic sentence which the main concern—either focuses on causes or on effects--, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence, and concluding paragraph

  1. Language Feature

            Jordan (1999) summarizes that cause and effect essay has language features more or less like in the following summary.
  1. Tenses is flexible on when the matter happened: can be present, past, or future.
  2. The structure of sentences can be:
a.       X  causes   Y  ( with active verb)
b.      X is caused by Y ( with passive verb)
  1. The sentences with which you explain the matters can be active voice or passive voice.
  2. The transitions covers: causes, result, due to, because, because of, as a result, consequently, etc.
  3. The verb can be use in topic statement : cause, effect, result, etc.
  4. The topic can be begun with:
a.       There are some causes why…
b.      There are some effects of …
c.       Scientist researched that there are …
  1. Use third person points of views.
11. Opinion

  1. Definition

            Opinion essay is an essay in which a writer expresses his personal arguments to persuade readers about a hot topic in the point of view of public perceptions. In this model, the writer argues or persuades the readers with whatever logical propositions he or she has avoiding to discuss his or her opponents voice. Opinion essay is like a squash player who hits ball against wall without any counterpart.

  1. Generic Structure

            Opinion essay, in general, has also similar characteristic in that the tenses depends on when the matter happens, however; simple present tense and present perfect are frequently used in the sentences. To sum up, opinion essay has also (1)thesis statement (2)  topic sentence in which the writer believes to be the core explanation to develop,(2) supporting sentences in which the writers support  factual arguments to controlling idea, and (3) concluding sentence in which the writer ends the reader with his or her final conclusion or statement, and concluding paragraph.    
  1. Language Feature

Opinion essay can use:
  1. Verbs : believe, think, propose, hypothesize,
  2. Use first person point of view
  3. Use other arguments which are inline with his or her propositions.
  4. Use modal auxiliary
  5. Use transitions, first, second, third, last, finally.  
  6. The objects can be human, animals, nature or even God. The tone is persuasion or convincing readers to agree with his or her propositions. 

12. Comparison and Contrast

  1. Definition
            Comparison and Contrast Essay is a writing piece in which the writer compares ( similarities of both compared things) and contrast ( differentiates on both compared things). This genre tends to be academic writing  and use observation and analyses as prerequisites prior to writing process.  

  1. Generic Structure

            Comparison and contrast has generic structure in paragraph:
  1. Introductory : thesis
  2. Body Paragraph : Topic Sentence : mention both similarities and differences
  3. Supporting sentences:
  4. Concluding sentence : a logical conclusion from supporting sentences. It is another sentence of topic sentence.
  5. Concluding paragraph

  1. Language Feature

            Comparison and contrast  has characteristics:
  1. It focuses on third person points of view or factual data
  2. The object can be people, things or nature- can be real or unreal thing.
  3. The tenses depends what the real condition of the compared things.
  4. It has to have detail things or aspects within the compared things, people, or natures.
  5. It exposes factual non opinion.
  6. It uses any kind of verb: action verb, linking verb.
  7. The goal is to give a clear picture about compared things for people before taking decision. 

13. Hortatory Exposition Text

A.    Definition  

          Hortatory exposition is a text which represents the attempt of the writer to have the addressee do something or act in certain way. This matter is generally focused in the public interest such: the importance of wearing seatbelt, the importance of wearing helmet, the importance of using condom for a married couples, and so forth.

B.     Generic Structure  

1. Thesis : Introductory.
Introductory covers general statement or hook to attract the readers, and thesis statement to control your writing coverage and development.  
2. Arguments : Body
Body paragraph consists of topic sentence, supporting sentences and detail, and concluding sentence. Argument is presented in certain way so that it meets with the criteria of good paragraph.   
3. Recommendation : Concluding Paragraph.
Concluding paragraph consists of conclusion  and summary or summary and  conclusion. The matter how you conclude has to include recommendation for readers to follow.

C.     Language Feature  

1. Focusing on the writer points of view
2. Using abstract noun; policy, advantage, etc
3. Using action verb
4. Using thinking  / mental verb
5. Using modal adverb; certainly, surely, etc
6. Using temporal connective; firstly, secondly, etc
7. Using evaluative words; important, valuable, trustworthy, etc
8. Using passive voice
9. Using simple present tense

14. Analytical Exposition

A.    Definition  

          Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer‘s idea about the phenomenon surrounding. Its social function is to persuade the reader that the idea is important matter to concern.

B.     Generic Structure

1. Thesis: Introducing the topic and indicating the writer’s position
2. Arguments: Explaining the arguments to support the writer’s position
3. Reiteration: Restating the writer’s position

C.     Language Features  
1.       Using relational process
2.       Using internal conjunction
3.       Using causal conjunction
4.       Using Simple Present Tense
15. Procedure Text

A.    Definition of Procedure
Procedure is a text that shows a process in order. Its social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of series
B.     Generic Structure of Procedure
1. Goal: showing the purpose
2. Material: Telling the needed materials
3. Step 1-end: Describing the steps to achieve the purpose.

C.     Language Feature of Procedure
1.    Using temporal conjunction
2.    Using action verb
3.    Using imperative sentence
4.    Using Simple Present Tense
16. Discussion

A.    Definition of Discussion

            Discussion is a text which present a problematic discourse. This problem will be discussed from different viewpoints. Discussion is commonly found in philosophical, historic, and social text. However, the writer is not authorized to take stance since he or he only presents the flows of discussion so that readers can draw a conclusion or even get the points to follow. If you are trapped in this case and you take position in one side, then your writing is considered to be argumentative. 

B.     Generic Structure of Discussion
1.      Statement of issue; stating the issue which is to discussed
2.      List of supporting points; presenting the point in supporting the presented issue.
3.      List of contrastive point; presenting other points which disagree to the supporting point.
4.      Recommendation; stating the writer' recommendation of the discourse
C.     Language Feature of Discussion
1.      Introducing category or generic participant
2.      Using thinking verb; feel, hope, believe, etc.
3.      Using additive, contrastive, and causal connection; similarly, on the hand, however, etc
4.      Using modalities; must, should, could, may, etc
5.      Using adverbial of manner; deliberately, hopefully, etc
Bagan 2

In this chapter you have learned many genres as your basic input or background knowledge before you are moving further on how to develop your essay writing skills. Hence, in the upcoming chapter you are going to learn and study how each of genres developed.

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Bagan  9


  1. Oshima, Alice and Hogue, Ann( 2006) Writing Academic English (4th Edition). New York: Pearson Education, Inc.
  2. Oshima, Alice and Hogue, Ann( 2006) Introduction to Academic English (3 rd Edition) : Level 3.  New York: Pearson Education, Inc.
  3. Jordan, RR ( 2002) Academic Writing Course( 3 rd Edition). Spain: Longman 
  4. Pasquarella, Aris.(2003). The Writer’s Thesaurus: Level 2. Merrymack,NH. Option Publishing. Inc.
  5. Wison, George E., Burks, Julia M.(1980). Let’s write English. New York, New York. Litton Educational Publishing International.
  6. Smalley, Regina L.,Ruetten Mary K,.(xxxx).Refining Composition Skils: Rhetoric and Grammar for ESL Students—second edition.New York: Macmilan Publishing Company.
  7. PPB – UI ( 2006) Diktat Akademik Training II. Jakarta: UI Copy Center
  8. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/563/03/
  9. http://www.yourdictionary.com/reference/word-definitions/definition-of-academic-writing.html)
  10. http://www.yourdictionary.com/reference/word-definitions/definition-of-creative-writing.html